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February 19, 2007


Filed under: Image search, reviews — Peter @ 3:23 am

“will be launching their alpha version to a small group of users on February 28th, 2006″.

February 18, 2007


Filed under: releases — Peter @ 3:04 am

For developers, Pixcavator SDK (817 KB). This is a VS C++ solution of this version of Pixcavator with some parts precompiled.

February 17, 2007

Pixcavator 2.2

Filed under: releases — Peter @ 3:04 am

Pixcavator 2.2 (1.27MB). Several new features have been added and the interface has been completely redesigned. There are now three tabs:

  • Analysis. As before the original image and the simplification settings are displayed. After the analysis is run, the simplified image is also displayed.
  • Tools. It contains a few image processing tools: brightness and contrast adjustment, dilation, erosion, histogram equalization, etc.
  • Output. Here the output data is displayed. First, the output includes the list of objects in the image along with their locations and measurements. Secondly, the image is displayed with the objects captured by squares. When an object on the list is marked and unmarked, the corresponding square appears and disappears. The sliders of the simplification settings are also displayed. As these sliders are moved, the table and the squares are instantly updated.

The new version can run in all resolutions from 800×600 and higher. If you want to be notified of the next release, please e-mail us or use Contact Us.

February 10, 2007


Filed under: Image search — Peter @ 3:24 am

Similar to RedOrbit, 1/28/07: Pixsta’s commercial director Steve Dukes said his company has even started cataloguing photos of vacation destinations. “Say you want to visit someplace with vistas like the Maldives, but at 10 percent of the price?” Dukes said. “That kind of search is possible.” (He is serious!)

The only application of Pixta’s technology that can find is this shoe store ChezImedla. You click on a shoe and it supposed to give you similar shoes. “Similar” to a pair of sandals are fuzzy slippers and high heels, because all three are kind of white.

February 4, 2007

Marvel from IBM

Filed under: Image search, reviews — Peter @ 3:22 am

Multimedia search. Report: “A functional engine may not come out for another three to five years”.

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