New release
Pixcavator 1.9 (364KB), not quite version 2 yet. Changes in the new version:
- A new simplification setting has been added, saliency. It’s the volume of the object, if you know what I mean…
- Color images are analyzed as well now. Separately for each of the three colors, sorry.
- “Advanced processing” includes pre- and post-processing options, the gray scale analysis option, and several custom simplification settings as double sliders. These can be made use of with…
Pixcavator SDK (3 MB) finally arrives. You can edit the code for the GUI, pre- and post-processing, simplification settings as combinations of integrals, etc. Version 2 will provide the full output - a list of all objects with their areas, locations, and other data. Even with version 1.9, a lot of work lies ahead - most of the options are still missing, documentation is rudimentary, etc…