This site is devoted to mathematics and its applications. Created and run by Peter Saveliev.

Coloring objects

From Intelligent Perception

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This is a very convenient feature introduced in Pixcavator's version 3.0. This tool can help you confirm that your Image segmentation is correct.

Seeds.jpg Seeds 99 53.jpg Croissant.jpg Croissant 146 38.jpg

A more intricate segmentation:

Whorl2.jpg Whorl2 115 10.jpg

Coloring combined with Background_removal:

Chip.JPG Chip 441 42.jpg

Something more amusing...

Recoloring objects:

Stuff.jpg Stuff 62 85.jpg

Removing objects:

Stuff 62 180one removed.jpg Stuff 62 180three removed.jpg

Removing brickwork and windows from a house:

HouseC.jpg HouseC 100.jpg House 1000.jpg

Discovering a broken bone:

Bone 399 79.jpg

Just for fun:

Patterns 75 10.jpg

See also Background removal.